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Configure ModelSim simulation to display text

Can I make ModelSim simulation to display text (rather than a numeric value) on a signal? I have a couple of state-machine states say,

localparam S_IDLE  = 2'b00; 
localparam S_START = 2'b01; 
localparam S_STOP  = 2'b10;

Is there a way to display S_IDLE for example, on a signal rather than 00? Thanks.


  • One thing you can do that is should work across all simulators is to create a signal that holds an ascii string, and then change the radix of that signal to ascii in the simulation window:

    reg [8*8-1:0] mytextsignal;
    always@(state) begin 
            S_IDLE : mytextsignal = "  S_IDLE";
            S_START: mytextsignal = " S_START";
            S_STOP:  mytextsignal = "  S_STOP";
            default: mytextsignal = " UNKNOWN";

    It should show up as readable text in the waveform viewer.