I'm currently trying Rascal to create a small DSL. I tried to modify the Pico example, however I'm currently stuck. The following code parses examples like a = 3, b = 7 begin declare x : natural, field real @ cells blubb; x := 5.7 end
parses perfectly, but the implode
function fails with the error message "Cannot find a constructor for PROGRAM". I tried various constructor declarations, however none seemed to fit. Is there a way to see what the expected constructor looks like?
module BlaTest::Syntax
import Prelude;
lexical Identifier = [a-z][a-z0-9]* !>> [a-z0-9];
lexical NaturalConstant = [0-9]+;
lexical IntegerConstant = [\-+]? NaturalConstant;
lexical RealConstant = IntegerConstant "." NaturalConstant;
lexical StringConstant = "\"" ![\"]* "\"";
layout Layout = WhitespaceAndComment* !>> [\ \t\n\r%];
lexical WhitespaceAndComment
= [\ \t\n\r]
| @category="Comment" "%" ![%]+ "%"
| @category="Comment" "%%" ![\n]* $
start syntax Program
= program: {ExaOption ","}* exadomain "begin" Declarations decls {Statement ";"}* body "end"
syntax Domain = "domain" "{" ExaOption ", " exaoptions "}"
syntax ExaOption = Identifier id "=" Expression val
syntax Declarations
= "declare" {Declaration ","}* decls ";" ;
syntax Declaration
= variable_declaration: Identifier id ":" Type tp
| field_declaration: "field" Type tp "@" FieldLocation fieldLocation Identifier id
syntax FieldLocation
= exacell: "cells"
| exanode: "nodes"
syntax Type
= natural:"natural"
| exareal: "real"
| string :"string"
syntax Statement
= asgStat: Identifier var ":=" Expression val
| ifElseStat: "if" Expression cond "then" {Statement ";"}* thenPart "else" {Statement ";"}* elsePart "fi"
| whileStat: "while" Expression cond "do" {Statement ";"}* body "od"
syntax Expression
= id: Identifier name
| stringConstant: StringConstant stringconstant
| naturalConstant: NaturalConstant naturalconstant
| realConstant: RealConstant realconstant
| bracket "(" Expression e ")"
> left conc: Expression lhs "||" Expression rhs
> left ( add: Expression lhs "+" Expression rhs
| sub: Expression lhs "-" Expression rhs
public start[Program] program(str s) {
return parse(#start[Program], s);
public start[Program] program(str s, loc l) {
return parse(#start[Program], s, l);
module BlaTest::Abstract
public data TYPE = natural() | string() | exareal();
public data FIELDLOCATION = exacell() | exanode();
public alias ExaIdentifier = str;
public data PROGRAM = program(list[OPTION] exadomain, list[DECL] decls, list[STATEMENT] stats);
public data DOMAIN
= domain_declaration(list[OPTION] options)
public data OPTION
= exaoption(ExaIdentifier name, EXP exp)
public data DECL
= variable_declaration(ExaIdentifier name, TYPE tp)
| field_declaration(TYPE tp, FIELDLOCATION fieldlocation, ExaIdentifier name)
public data EXP
= id(ExaIdentifier name)
| naturalConstant(int iVal)
| stringConstant(str sVal)
| realConstant(real rVal)
| add(EXP left, EXP right)
| sub(EXP left, EXP right)
| conc(EXP left, EXP right)
public data STATEMENT
= asgStat(ExaIdentifier name, EXP exp)
| ifElseStat(EXP exp, list[STATEMENT] thenpart, list[STATEMENT] elsepart)
| whileStat(EXP exp, list[STATEMENT] body)
anno loc TYPE@location;
anno loc PROGRAM@location;
anno loc DECL@location;
anno loc EXP@location;
anno loc STATEMENT@location;
anno loc OPTION@location;
public alias Occurrence = tuple[loc location, ExaIdentifier name, STATEMENT stat];
module BlaTest::Load
import IO;
import Exception;
import Prelude;
import BlaTest::Syntax;
import BlaTest::Abstract;
import BlaTest::ControlFlow;
import BlaTest::Visualize;
public PROGRAM exaload(str txt) {
try {
p = implode(#PROGRAM, parse(#Program, txt));
} catch ParseError(loc l): {
println("Parse error at line <l.begin.line>, column <l.begin.column>");
return p; // return will fail in case of error
public Program exaparse(str txt) {
Program p;
try {
p = parse(#Program, txt);
} catch ParseError(loc l): {
println("Parse error at line <l.begin.line>, column <l.begin.column>");
return p; // return will fail in case of error
Thanks a lot, Chris
Unfortunately the current implode facility depends on a hidden semantic assumption, namely that the non-terminals in the syntax definition have the same name as the types in the data definitions. So if the non-terminal is called "Program", it should not be called "PROGRAM" but "Program" in the data definition.
We are looking for a smoother way of integrating concrete and abstract syntax trees, but for now please decapitalize your data names.