I am trying to show a JPEG to a ANativeWindow with the Android NDK.
I am getting the ANativeWindow*
by doing:
_window = ANativeWindow_fromSurface(env, surface)
I am loading the jpeg, with libjpeg-turbo, by doing:
if (tjDecompressHeader2(tj, jpeg, jpegSize, &width, &height, &subsamp) == 0) {
int format = TJPF_ARGB;
int pitch = _windowWidth * tjPixelSize[format];
_bufferSize = pitch * _windowHeight;
_buffer = realloc(_buffer, _bufferSize);
tjDecompress2(tj, jpeg, jpegSize, _buffer, _windowWidth, pitch, _windowHeight, format, 0);
My Question is, how to show the decoded jpeg on the surface ? I am currently doing this:
ANativeWindow_Buffer surface_buffer;
if (ANativeWindow_lock(_window, &surface_buffer, NULL) == 0) {
memcpy(surface_buffer.bits, _buffer, _bufferSize);
But the result (see below) is not what I was expecting. What should I do before sending the buffer to the surface ?
Just need to set ANativeWindow's format with ANativeWindow_setBuffersGeometry(_window, 0, 0, WINDOW_FORMAT_RGBA_8888)
. And then use TJPF_RGBA
format instead of TJPF_ARGB