I use org-mode in org-indent-mode, meaning all the stars but one are hidden, but the levels retain their indentation, creating an outline-type effect.
When I'm editing, I always seem to accidentally delete the space between the star and the text. Which means that this:
gets all messed up and turns into this:
Or sometimes, even worse, I even delete the space AND one or more of the stars. Then I have to figure out where I am and try to reenter the right number of stars to get me back to the right level, which is a pain.
This question might be against the spirit of org-mode, but is there a way to "protect" the stars and the space after them, such that when I hit delete multiple times, it sends me back up to the previous line of text rather than deleting the stars?
Here's the code:
(defun new-org-delete-backward-char (N)
(interactive "p")
(if (not (looking-back "[*]+ "))
(org-delete-backward-char N)
(lambda ()
(define-key org-mode-map (kbd "DEL")
I was messing up my outlines too, before I've defined
to do stuff like insert heading up, down etc.
Maybe you'd like to try that instead. Also, this is quite useful:
(define-key org-mode-map (kbd "C-a")
(if (looking-at "^[^*]")
(re-search-backward "^*")
It brings you to the beginning of heading once you're already at the beginning of line, when you press C-a.
This version has provisioning for deleting region and goes to the end of the line:
(defun new-org-delete-backward-char (N)
(interactive "p")
(cond ((region-active-p)
((looking-back "[*]+ ")
(org-delete-backward-char N))))