I have an x64 platform C# solution(VS2012) on a TFS2010 server. I have attached a unit test project (also x64) to this solution and created a build definition. When I queue the build, it succeeds but the unit test cases will not be executed. This is because MSTest is a 32 bit application. So, I decided to customize the default build process template (DefaultTemplate.xaml) to invoke VSTest(VSTest.console.exe) instead of MSTest. This is quite complex and I am unable to add a build activity to the toolbox for VSTest.
Has anyone done this kind of customization? I have also considered other approaches like configuring .runsettings file. Do we have a VSTest adapter interface that can be added in the .runsettings file ?
Executing unit tests through VSTest and publishing the test results through MSTest gave me a successful outcome. Given below is the Powershell script:
# Get the UnitTest Binaries
$files = Get-ChildItem $TestAssembliesDir\*est*.dll
# VSTest.console.exe path
$VSTestPath = 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Common7\IDE\CommonExtensions\Microsoft\TestWindow\vstest.console.exe'
# MSTest path
$MSTestpath = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Common7\IDE\mstest.exe"
# Loop through the test assemblies and add them to the VSTestFiles
$VSTestFiles = ''
foreach($file in $files)
$VSTestFiles += "`"$file`""
$VSTestFiles += " "
# Run the UnitTests using VSTest
&$VSTestPath $vstestplatform "/Framework:Framework45" "/InIsolation" $VSTestFiles "/logger:trx"
# Get TRX files
$TrxFilesList = Get-ChildItem $TestResDir\*.trx
$TrxFiles = ''
$loop = 1
foreach($file in $TrxFilesList)
$TrxFiles = "$file"
# copy the trx file into a space-less named trx
$newTrxFileName = "$BuildUri" + "_" + "$loop" + ".trx"
copy-item $TrxFiles -destination $TestResDir\$newTrxFileName
$loop = $loop + 1
$newTrxFile += "$TestResDir\$newTrxFileName"
$newTrxFile += " "
# specify MSTest arguments
$mspubl = "/publish:"+$TeamProjColUri
$msteampr = "/teamproject:" + $TeamProj
$mspublbuild = "/publishbuild:" +$BuildUri
$mspubresfile = "/publishresultsfile:" +"`"$newTrxFile`""
#Publish test results through MSTest
&$MSTestpath $mstestplatform $flavor $mspubl $msteampr $mspublbuild $mspubresfile