When someone goes onto the website with this on the end of the url: /?utm_source=google I am trying to set a cookie and add a class to the body
At the moment it doesnt seem to be working correctly and it adds the class onto the body if you just go straight to the homepage
I am using the jquery cookie plugin
Don't suppose if anyone knows what I am doing wrong please, or a better way of doing it?
var url = "(location.href.match(/utm\_source\=google/ig))";
$.cookie("url", url, { expires:7, path: '/' });
if ($.cookie("url")) {
Nevermind i got it working like so:
var url = "(location.href.match(/utm\_source\=google/ig))";
if (location.href.match(/utm\_source\=google/ig)){
$.cookie('number', 'url');
if ($.cookie('number')) {