I've been working on a Firefox extension, but it's been slow going (in part because I have no time to work on it). I've got a basic skeleton, verified that I can talk to an external JSON API, modify any webpage when loaded, and show a preferences box. These are all necessary Hello Worlds for the extension I am writing (maybe I don't need the preferences box).
Suddenly it occurred to me that I may be ignoring a much easier way to do it. Since Greasmonkey scripts may be compiled into Firefox Extensions, Greasemonkey might be a better way to go:
I'm looking for a comparison of Greasemonkey versus "native" Firefox extensions. Also, has anyone worked with "compiling" a Greasemonkey script into an FF extension (experiences, problems)?
I would say, in general, if your purpose is to modify the way a webpage is displayed/functions, then Greasemonkey is the way to go. If you have a bunch of window/UI to display and you are really going beyond the core intention of Greasemonkey then it's probably best to stick with a more traditional extension.