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The import cannot be resolved

I am trying to run the code provided HERE
I downloaded the code from their Github and imported into Android SDK, but it shows error at the lines


in multiple files. However if I check the Android SDK Manager, the Android Support Library as well as the Android Support Repository in the Extras folder are both installed. I can also see the support folder and it's contents in the SDK_INSTALL\sdk\extras\android\support directory. It also has the v4 folder which also contains the android-support-v4.jar and the src folder. THen why is it still showing the error, how do I resolve it and how do I get that sample code running? THe sample code is for an RSS reader app, if that's relevant.


  • Follow these steps:

    For Eclipse:

    • Go to your Project's Properties
    • Navigate to the Java Build Path
    • Then go to the Libraries tab. There click the Add External JARs Button on the Right pane.
    • Select the android-support-v4.jar file, usually the path for the Jar file is :
    • After adding android-support-v4.jar Library, navigate to the Order and Export tab and put check mark on the android-support-v4 Library file.
    • After doing the above, Clean the Project and Build it.
    • Problem Solved.

    For Android Studio:

    Short Version:

    • Add the following line to your build.gradle file:
      implementation ''

    Long Version:

    • Go to File -> Project Structure

    • Go to "Dependencies" Tab -> Click on the Plus sign -> Go to "Library dependency"

    • Select the support library "support-v4 ("

    • Navigate to your "build.gradle" inside your App Directory and double check if your desired Android Support Library has been added to your dependencies.

    • Rebuild your project and now everything should work.

    Further reading regarding this Question:

    1. Support Library - Android Dev
    2. Recent Support Library Revisions
    3. Support Library Packages
    4. What is an Android Support Library?
    5. How do the Android Support Libraries work?