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C++ Implementation of String Matching Algorithm

I am implementing a string matching algorithm for a username database. My method takes an existing Username database and a new username that the person wants and it checks to see if the username is taken. if it is taken the method is supposed to return the username with a number that isn't taken in the database.


"Justin","Justin1", "Justin2", "Justin3"

Enter "Justin"

Returns "Justin4" since Justin and Justin with the numbers 1 through 3 are already taken.

I have already written this code in Java, and now I am writing it in C++ for practice. I have a few problems though:

  1. How do you compare two strings? I have tried strcmp and a few others but I always get the error message: cannot convert std::string to const char* for argument 2.

  2. How do you concatenate an int and a string? In Java it was as simple as using the + operator.

  3. In my main function, it says there is no matching function call for Username::NewMember(std::string, std::string). hy does it not recognize newMember in main?

       using namespace std;
       class Username {
     string newMember(string existingNames, string newName){
     bool found = false;
     bool match = false;
     string otherName = NULL;
     for(int i = 0; i < sizeof(existingNames);i++){
         if(strcmp(existingNames[i], newName) == 0){
             found = true;
         for(int x = 1;  ; x++){
             match = false;
             for(int i = 0; i < sizeof(existingNames);i++){
                  if(strcmp(existingNames[i],(newName + x)) == 0){
                     match = true;
                 otherName = newName + x;
         return otherName;
     else return newName;
     int main(){
     string *userNames = new string[4];
     userNames[0] = "Justin";
     userNames[1] = "Justin1";
     userNames[2] = "Justin2";
     userNames[3] = "Justin3";
     cout << newMember(userNames, "Justin") << endl;
     delete[] userNames;
     return 0;


  • There are some mistakes in your code :

    • If you want to compare two strings, simply use the operator== : string == string2.

    • If you want to append an int to a string in C++ you can use streams:

    #include <sstream>
    std::ostringstream oss;
    oss << "Justin" << 4;
    std::cout << oss.str();
    • You are passing a string* to the function newMember but your prototype doesn't match that:
    string *userNames = new string[4];
    newMember(userNames, "Justin"); // Call
    string newMember(string existingNames, string newName); // Protype

    I think it should be: string newMember(string* existingNames, string newName);, no?

    • In the example, your main function is inside your Username class. It is not correct in C/C++. Unlike Java, the main function has to be in the global scope.

    • Finally, you should use const-reference parameter because you don't need to modify the content of them, and you need to copy them anyway:

    string newMember(string* existingNames, const string& newName);
    //                                      ^^^^^       ^

    Are you sure you need something allocated dynamically in the main function?