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javascript minesweeper placed unnecessary "1"

i wrote a minesweeper in JavaScript which was working fine for a while, and then randomly on 1 run (i was trying to improve the styling) it gave me this:

stupid 1 in upper right corner

note the "1" in the upper-right corner as well as 2 missing 1's two and three spaces below it

here is my function for adding numbers to squares:

function nextToBombCheck(event) {   
    //reset bomb count
bombCount = 0 ;
    //initialize variable for checking nerby boxes
var nextToBox = 0;
    //asign the box's id as a number
var boxNum = parseInt(;

var checkSide = 0;

for ( var i = 9 ; i <= 11 ; i++ ) {
    nextToBox = boxNum + i;
        //check if its a wrap
    if ( ( nextToBox%10 === 0 && boxNum%10 === 9 ) || ( nextToBox%10 === 9 && boxNum%10 === 0 ) ) {
        //check boxes below
    } else if ( bomb.indexOf( nextToBox ) >= 0 ) {

for ( i = -1 ; i <= 1 ; i++ ) {
    nextToBox = boxNum + i;
        //check if its a wrap (above and below wont work anyway)
    if ( ( nextToBox%10 === 0 && boxNum%10 === 9 ) || ( nextToBox%10 === 9 && boxNum%10 === 0 ) ) {
        //check boxes alongside
    } else if ( bomb.indexOf( nextToBox ) >= 0 ) {

for ( i = -11 ; i <= -9 ; i++ ) {
    nextToBox = boxNum + i;
    if ( ( nextToBox%10 === 0 && boxNum%10 === 9 ) || ( nextToBox%10 === 9 && boxNum%10 === 0 ) ) {
        //check boxes above
    } else if ( bomb.indexOf( nextToBox ) >= 0 ) {
        //set class(colors) based on bombCount
    event.className = classList[ bombCount ];
if ( bombCount !== 0 ) {
        //write number of neighboring bombs
    event.innerHTML = bombCount;

my program works on using a table and each td has an id 0-99

heres a link if that helps


  • Nice game. But you commit the common error of counting the last index. Do you see that your table have size of 11x11 = 121? But in your program you use

    var rowAmount = 10;
    var columnAmount = 10;
    cellAmount = columnAmount * rowAmount;

    which is wrong. The for loop also explicitly assume there are 11 column:

    for ( i = 0 ; i <= rowAmount ; i++ ) {
        gameBox += "<tr>";
        for ( var j = 0 ; j <= columnAmount ; j++ ) {
            var idValue = i * 10 + j;
            gameBox += "<td class = 'box' id = '" + idValue + "' onclick = 'process(this);' ></td>";    }
        gameBox += "</tr>";

    but idValue is using 10 column. It means that your program will ignore the last column. Change that in all your codes and you will be fine.