I'm developing a GUI for directx in C++. I've got a class for my controls:
class cControl;
a class for my windows:
class cWindow : public cControl
and what I want to do is write a class for a special kind of window (color picker).
class cColorPicker : public cWindow
The constructor of the colorpicker class calls only cControl functions. To set things up in the gui routine for every window I use this code this:
for each( cWindow* pWindow in m_vWindows )
// stuff
What I notice debugging is that position, width, height and every thing I set up in colorpicker constructor results null.
EDIT: what I want to do is having a special window with a constructor that sets up (eg) width, height, etc, of the window. Will this do the work?
cColorPicker::cColorPicker( int x, int y )
cWindow::cWIndow( x, y, ... )
EDIT2: second problem: I have to call a function from cWindow class (a function that adds a control to the window) but it seems to give problems too, and I think I have to do it inside of the constructor of cColorPicker.
Your should use member initializer list to initialize base object with parameter
cColorPicker::cColorPicker(int x, int y)
: cWIndow( x, y, ... ), width(42),height(42)
EDIT: If you want to add extra parameter to base constructor, should pass it from cColorPick constructor to its base:
cColorPicker::cColorPicker(int x, int y, cControl* pControl)
: cWIndow( x, y, pControl, ...), width(42),height(42)
// edit or create a new cWindow constructor to accept CControl* parameter
cWIndow::cWIndow(int x, int y, cControl* pControl)
:width(x), height(y), m_vControls(pControl)