Right now I am using istream to read in data. I have both text which I would like to read in as strings and numbers, and hashes which are read into character arrays. Since hashes are effectively random, I am hitting snags when I try to read it back in and hit EOF (which is part of the hash). Is there a way to accomplish this without resorting to fread. Also, is there a to use both istream and fread some I don't have to parse the integers and strings by hand. Finally, what is the best way to use fgets to get a string of unknown length.
Thanks, Eric
EDIT: Here is the code:
string dummy;
ifstream in(fileName);
for(int i=0; i<numVals; i++)
int hashLen;
char cc;
in.get(cc);//Get the space in between
cout<<"Got first byte: "<<(int)cc<<endl;
char * hashChars = new char[hashLen];
in.read(hashChars, hashLen);
for(int j =0; j <hashLen; j++)
char c = hashChars[j];
unsigned char cc = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char&>(c);
cout<<"Got byte: "<<(int)c<<(int)cc<<endl;
cout<<"Failed! "<<in.eof()<<" "<<in.bad()<<endl;
delete hashChars;
getline(in,dummy);//get a dummy line
cout<<"Dummy: "<<dummy<<" numvals: "<<numVals<<" i: "<<i<<" hashLength: "<<hashLen<<endl;
My output looks like:
1>Got first byte: 32
1>Got byte: 4 4
1>Got byte: -14 242
1>Got byte: 108 108
1>Got byte: 87 87
1>Got byte: 113 113
1>Got byte: -116 140
1>Got byte: -106 150
1>Got byte: -35 221
1>Got byte: 0 0
1>Got byte: -91 165
1>Got byte: 39 39
1>Got byte: 111 111
1>Got byte: 7 7
1>Got byte: 126 126
1>Got byte: 16 16
1>Got byte: -42 214
1>Dummy: numvals: 35 i: 12 hashLength: 16
1>Got first byte: 32
1>Got byte: 14 14
1>Failed! 1 0
1>Got byte: -65 191
1>Failed! 1 0
1>Got byte: -107 149
1>Failed! 1 0
1>Got byte: -44 212
1>Failed! 1 0
1>Got byte: -60 196
1>Failed! 1 0
1>Got byte: -51 205
1>Failed! 1 0
1>Got byte: -51 205
1>Failed! 1 0
When reading binary data you generally want to open your std::ifstream
with the flag std::ios_base::binary
. The resulting differences are fairly small but they generally do matter.
There are a few oddities in your code you might want to fix:
if (in.read(hashChars, hashLen)) { ... }
which always has implementation defined semantics. You should use static_cast<unsigned char>(c)
instead.delete p
. You need to use delete[] p
instead. Using delete p
results in undefined behavior. There isn't really any need to use new
and delete
at all, though, as std::vector<char> hashChars(hashLen)
does automatic memory management.There are a few [mutilated] questions otherwise embedded in the request above (so the questions/answers are guesses of what is being asked):
and fread()
on the same stream (I suppose this is the question): not immediately unless the stream happens to be std::cin
which reads from the same source as stdin
. If you want to use both std::istream::read()
and fread()
on the same file you'll need to wrap a FILE*
by a suitable std::streambuf
and initialize an std::istream
with the corresponding object.fgets()
? You can't. The buffer to fgets()
gets allocated before attempting to fill it and can always be filled before reaching a newline. You can use std::getline()
to read an arbitrary long line, however. If you just want to skip the line, you can use in.ignore(std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n')
when using std::istream
. Off-hand I don't know if there is a similar operation for FILE*