I have a project I am trying to get an animated <canvas>
working with Paper JS. What I am curious about is if there is anything built into PaperJS that allows the ability to detect interactivity between items (i.e. if a item is X distance from any other item on the layer). Here is what I have so far:
<canvas id="myCanvas" resize></canvas>
html, body{margin:0; padding: 0;}
#myCanvas{width: 100%; height: 100%;}
var canvas = $('#myCanvas')[0];
var viewSize = paper.view.size;
var itemCount = 20;
var theBall = new paper.Path.Rectangle({
point : [0,0],
size : 10,
fillColor : '#00a950',
var theBallSymbol = new paper.Symbol(theBall);
// Create and place symbol on view
for (var i = 1; i <= itemCount; i++) {
var center = paper.Point.random().multiply(viewSize);
var placedSymbol = theBallSymbol.place(center);
placedSymbol.scale(i / itemCount);
placedSymbol.data = {
origin : center,
direction : (Math.round(Math.random())) ? 'right' : 'left',
placedSymbol.onFrame = function(e){
var pathWidth = this.bounds.width * 20;
var center = this.data.origin;
var moveValue = this.bounds.width / 20;
if(this.data.direction == 'right'){
if(this.position.x < center.x + pathWidth){
this.position.x += moveValue;
} else{
this.position.x -= moveValue;
this.data.direction = 'left';
} else {
if(this.position.x > center.x - pathWidth){
this.position.x -= moveValue;
} else {
this.position.x += moveValue;
this.data.direction = 'right';
paper.view.onFrame = function (e){
// For entire view
for (var i = 0; i < itemCount; i++) {
var item = paper.project.activeLayer.children[i];
// I imagine I would need to do something here
// I tried a hitTest already, but I'm not sure
// that will give me the information I would need
That part so far is working well. What I am curious about how I can do the following:
Whenever any given item (the squares) come within a distance of X between each other, create a line (path) between them
The idea is very similar to this page: http://panasonic.jp/shaver/lamdash/dna/
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Paper.js does not keep track of the inter-point distance between an item's center and all other items. The only way to gather that information is to manually loop through them.
In your case, I think it would be easiest to:
By only choosing lines that will come within a threshold value, you can avoid creating unnecessary paths that would slow the framerate. Without this, you'd be checking ~5 times as many items.
Here's a quick example:
var canvas = $('#myCanvas')[0];
var viewSize = paper.view.size;
var itemCount = 60;
//setup arrays to change line segments
var ballArray = [];
var lineArray = [];
//threshold distance for lines
var threshold = Math.sqrt(paper.view.size.width*paper.view.size.height)/5;
var theBall = new paper.Path.Rectangle({
point : [0,0],
size : 10,
fillColor : '#00a950',
var theBallSymbol = new paper.Symbol(theBall);
// Create and place symbol on view
for (var i = 1; i <= itemCount; i++) {
var center = paper.Point.random().multiply(viewSize);
var placedSymbol = theBallSymbol.place(center);
placedSymbol.scale(i / itemCount);
placedSymbol.data = {
origin : center,
direction : (Math.round(Math.random())) ? 'right' : 'left',
// Keep each placedSymbol in an array
ballArray.push( placedSymbol );
placedSymbol.onFrame = function(e){
var pathWidth = this.bounds.width * 20;
var center = this.data.origin;
var moveValue = this.bounds.width / 20;
if(this.data.direction == 'right'){
if(this.position.x < center.x + pathWidth){
this.position.x += moveValue;
} else{
this.position.x -= moveValue;
this.data.direction = 'left';
} else {
if(this.position.x > center.x - pathWidth){
this.position.x -= moveValue;
} else {
this.position.x += moveValue;
this.data.direction = 'right';
// Run through every possible line
// Only keep lines whose length might become less than threshold
for (var i = 0; i < itemCount; i++) {
for (j = i + 1, point1 = ballArray[i].data.origin; j < itemCount; j++) {
if ( Math.abs(point1.y - ballArray[j].bounds.center.y) < threshold && Math.abs(point1.x - ballArray[j].data.origin.x) < 4 * threshold) {
var line = new paper.Path.Line( point1, ballArray[j].bounds.center ) ;
line.strokeColor = 'black';
line.strokeWidth = .5;
//note the index of the line's segments
line.point1 = i;
line.point2 = j;
if (line.length > 1.4 * threshold && ballArray[j].data.direction == ballArray[i].data.direction) {
else {
paper.view.onFrame = function (e){
// Update the segments of each line
// Change each line's opacity with respect to distance
for (var i = 0, l = lineArray.length; i < l; i++) {
var line = lineArray[i];
line.segments[0].point = ballArray[line.point1].bounds.center;
line.segments[1].point = ballArray[line.point2].bounds.center;
if(line.length < threshold) {
line.opacity = (threshold - line.length) / threshold;
else line.opacity = 0;