"Assume the following code:
public class MultiplasHerancas
static GrandFather grandFather = new GrandFather();
static Father father = new Father();
static Child child = new Child();
public static void Test()
GrandFather anotherGrandFather = (GrandFather)child;
anotherGrandFather.WhoAreYou(); // Writes "I am a child"
public class GrandFather
public virtual void WhoAreYou()
Console.WriteLine("I am a GrandFather");
public class Father: GrandFather
public override void WhoAreYou()
Console.WriteLine("I am a Father");
public class Child : Father
public override void WhoAreYou()
Console.WriteLine("I am a Child");
I want to print "I Am a grandfather" from the "child" object.
How could i do the Child object execute a Method on a "base.base" class? I know i can do it executes the Base Method (it would Print " I Am a Father"), but i want to print "I Am a GrandFather"! if there is a way to do this, Is it recommended in OOP Design?
Note: I do not use / will use this method, I'm just wanting to intensify knowledge inheritance.
This can only be possible using Method Hiding -
public class GrandFather
public virtual void WhoAreYou()
Console.WriteLine("I am a GrandFather");
public class Father : GrandFather
public new void WhoAreYou()
Console.WriteLine("I am a Father");
public class Child : Father
public new void WhoAreYou()
Console.WriteLine("I am a Child");
And call it like this -
Child child = new Child();
Using new
keyword hides the inherited member of base class in derived class