I have a question similar to Bind text to property of child object and I am having difficulty properly creating the KO observable for a child object.
For example, I do an HTTP Get to return a JSON array of People, and the People array is inside a property called "payload". I can get the basic binding to work, and do a foreach on the payload property, displaying properties of each Person; however, what I need to do is add a "status" property to each Person, which is received from a different JSON, example
/api/people (firstname, lastname, DOB, etc.)
/api/people/1/status (bp, weight, height, etc)
I have tried binding to status.bp, and status().bp, but no luck.
The js example:
var TestModel = function (data) {
var len = data.payload.length;
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
var elem = data.payload[i];
var statusdata = $.getJSON("http://localhost:1234/api/people/" + elem.id + "/status.json", function (statusdata) {
elem.status = statusdata;
data.payload[i] = elem;
ko.mapping.fromJS(data, {}, this);
var people;
var data = $.getJSON("http://localhost:1234/api/people.json", function (data) {
people= new TestModel(data);
2 important things I will need: 1) properly notify KO that "payload" is an array to key on ID property 2) make "status" an observable
[UPDATE] EDIT with working fix based on Dan's answer:
var TestModel = function(data) {
this.refresh = function () {
$.getJSON("http://localhost:1234/api/people", function (data) {
self.payload = ko.observableArray(); // this was the trick that did it.
var len = data.payload.length;
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
var elem = data.payload[i];
$.getJSON("http://localhost:1234/api/people/" + elem.id + "/status", function (statusdata) {
// statusdata is a complex object
elem.status = ko.mapping.fromJS(statusdata);
// apply the binding only once, because Refresh will be called with SetInterval
if (applyBinding) {
applyBinding = false;
I am still new to Knockout and improvements to the refresh function are most welcome. The mapping is still being reapplied each time.
You need to define an observable array and then push your data into it.
elem.status = ko.observableArray();
for (var i = 0; i < statusdata.length; i++) {
I can't tell what the full structure of the data is by the example. But if status is a complex object, you may what to give it its own model.
for (var i = 0; i < statusdata.length; i++) {
elem.status.push(new statusModel(statusdata[i]));