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SQS Message always stays inflight

I have the following code retrieving messages from a SQS queue. I am using a AmazonSQSBufferedAsyncClient to retrieve the message from Queue. A fixed delay SingleThreadedExecutor wakes up every 5 mins calling receiveMessage. Long polling is enabled in the Queue

public class AmazonQueueService
    implements QueueService<String> {

    private AmazonSQSBufferedAsyncClient sqsAsyncClient;

    private String queueUrl;

    public List<Message<String>> receiveMessage() {
        ReceiveMessageRequest receiveMessageRequest = new ReceiveMessageRequest(queueUrl);
        ReceiveMessageResult result = sqsAsyncClient.receiveMessage(receiveMessageRequest);

        LOG.debug("Size=" + result.getMessages().size());

        return Lists.transform(result.getMessages(), ......);


The problem is when I check AWS console, the message is always in-flight, but it is never received in the application (Size is always printed as 0) . Looks like the AmazonSQSBufferedAsyncClient is reading the message from queue but not returning in the receiveMessage call.

Any ideas?


  • Finally figured this out. The problem manifests with the combination of queue visibility timeout (2 mins) and the scheduledExecutor delay (5 mins).

    Increasing the visibility timeout to 15 mins solved the problem.

    My theory is -> The AmazonSQSBufferedAsyncClient retrieves message and keeps it in the buffer waiting for receiveMessage call. As the executor delay is 5 mins, the visibility of the message times out befor receiveMessage is called and the message is returned to the queue. It also looks like the message is picked from the queue almost immediately. And now for whatever reason a call to receiveMessage does not receive the message. Increasing the timeout which gave a chance for the receiveMessage call to happen before a timeout event, solved the problem, I guess.

    Any other possible explanation?