I use HTTP status code symbols in code in a controller such as:
render json: {
auth_token: user.authentication_token,
user: user
status: :created
render json: {
errors: ["Missing parameter."]
success: false,
status: :unprocessable_entity
In the code of my request spec I also would like to use the symbols:
post user_session_path, email: @user.email, password: @user.password
expect(last_response.status).to eq(201)
expect(last_response.status).to eq(422)
However each test where I use the symbols instead of integers fails:
Failure/Error: expect(last_response.status).to eq(:created)
expected: :created
got: 201
(compared using ==)
Here is the latest list of HTTP status code symbols in Rack.
On the one hand, response is built with methods like:
full list do: response.methods.grep(/\?/)
On the other hand, Rspec predicates transforms every foo?
method to a be_foo
Not sure you can have the 201 this way unfortunately, but creating a custom matcher is quite easy.
Note Rails test only rely on a few statuses.