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Getting "CHECKOUT can only be performed on a version resource" when trying to commit using Eclipse subversive plugin

I'm using Eclipse Juno on Mac 10.7.5, SVN 1.7 and the Eclipse Subversive plugin. Occassioanlly, when I try and commit changes from my project (by right clicking on the project from the package explorer, selecting "Team" -> "Commit"), I get the error:

Some of selected resources were not committed.
Some of selected resources were not committed.
svn: E200007: Commit failed (details follow):

svn: E200007: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: E200007: CHECKOUT can only be performed on a version resource [at this time].
svn: E175002: CHECKOUT request failed on '/svn/subco-digital.coderepo/!svn/rvr/2110/trunk/myproject/src/main/java/org/mainco/subco/myproject/validator/'

I have verified that I have checked out the latest version of my project. How can I take care of these repeated errors?


  • Cleaning up worked for me:

    right click on the project -> team -> cleanup / refresh