I'm currently writing a plugin for ProM in case someone is familiar with it. In general, there is a graph, represented as ProMJGraph
, which is directly derived from JGraph
This graph contains:
's (direct child of org.jgraph.graph.DefaultEdge
) andProMGraphCell
's (direct child of org.jgraph.graph.DefaultGraphCell
).I have to put labels onto the edges.
For example I stored a pointer to the first edge of the graph named jgraph
to the variable e0
, of type ProMGraphEdge
I failed to google out, where and what should I now call in order to set the label «hello» for the edge e0
If anyone at list has a link to JGraph manual, please post it here. I failed to find a referencebook for jgraph and NOT JGraphX, nor JGraphT.
upd. Found it: http://touchflow.googlecode.com/hg-history/75fada644b2a19c744130923cbd34747fba861a2/doc/jgraphmanual.pdf
upd2. I found chapter 3.5.2 «Using edges» which should contain the answer to my question. It's probably ProM-specific that the source provided in the pdf does not work for me. Maybe if there is anyone exprienced in the Process Miner (ProM), he/she can give me some hint if there is something tricky about ProMJGraph
It occured to be ProM-specific.
The section 3.5.2 of the pdf mentioned in the question contains the answer about how to add a label to a plain JGraph, and I had to use a bit different code to get any effect:
newArc = addArc(places.get(src), transitions.get(dest));
if (label != null) {
AttributeMap amap = newArc.getAttributeMap();
amap.put(AttributeMap.LABEL, "Hello world");
amap.put(AttributeMap.SHOWLABEL, true);
amap.put(AttributeMap.LABELALONGEDGE, true);
This code resides in a class derived from AbstractResetInhibitorNet
, the instance of which is called graph
. This instance is later converted to a JGraph with a code
ProMJGraphPanel visualizeGraph(PluginContext context,
CPNGraph graph, // instanceof AbstractResetInhibitorNet
ViewSpecificAttributeMap map) {
ProMGraphModel model = new ProMGraphModel(graph);
GraphLayoutConnection layoutConnection = new GraphLayoutConnection(graph);
ProMJGraph jgraph = new ProMJGraph(model, map, layoutConnection);