I have to check some textField
with the following rule:
if (the value A != the value B) {
This work really fine, but I want to remove the "info bubble" of the error,on the textfield. I have tried to simply put a css with red border around it, but it seems that my superior dont want that.
How can I erase that bubble?
First of all, this validation looks wrong. It seems you are using gxt Field
which already has built-in validators. Here is an example:
yourField.addValidator(new Validator<String>() {
public List<EditorError> validate(Editor<String> editor, String value) {
final List<EditorError> errors = new ArrayList<EditorError>();
if (!value.equals("test")) {
errors.add(new DefaultEditorError(yourField, "Value is not \"test\"", value));
return errors;
By default it looks like this:
You can change it by using non-default
on the field. It is not clear what exactly do you want, as far as I can understand you want to get rid of (!) sign and its popup. I think that TitleErrorHandler
will suit your needs.
yourField.setErrorSupport(new TitleErrorHandler(yourField));