Search code examples

Requiring help identifying error in chess JavaScript code

At the moment I'm just trying to display the chessboard, while giving me the option of changing the board setup at a later date. The code I have here is aiming to display a chessboard (of some kind) to the webpage, however, when I call the function in html, I can't get the code to display the board. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated as I'm still learning the JavaScript language.

function displayBoard() {
    //Initiating peice values for white
    var wking = 10, wkingValue = "♕";
    var wqueen = 9, wqueenValue = "♔";
    var wrook = 5, wrookValue = "♖";
    var wbishop = 3.5, wbishopValue = "♗";
    var wknight = 3, wknightValue = "♘";
    var wpawn = 1, wpawnValue = "♙";
    //Initiating peice values for black
    var bking = -wking, bkingValue = "♛";
    var bqueen = -wqueen, bqueenValue = "♚";
    var brook = -wrook, brookValue = "♜";
    var bbishop = -wbishop, bbishopValue = "♝";
    var bknight = -wknight, bknightValue = "♞";
    var bpawn = -wpawn, bpawnValue = "♟";
    //Initialising final string
    var chessboardTable = "";
    //Initialising board array
    var defaultBoardArray = [[brook, bknight, bbishop, bqueen, bking, bbishop, bknight, brook],
                            [bpawn, bpawn, bpawn, bpawn, bpawn, bpawn, bpawn, bpawn],
                            [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                            [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                            [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                            [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                            [wpawn, wpawn, wpawn, wpawn, wpawn, wpawn, wpawn, wpawn],
                            [wrook, wknight, wbishop, wqueen, wking, wbishop, wknight, wrook]];

    //Initialising search squares
    var fLetter = "a";
    var fNumber = "1";
    var initialfillRank = false;

    //Beginning main code functions
    var peice = "";
    var defValue = "";
    var defClass = "";
    var rank = "";
    var file = "";

    //Entering Looping Functions
    chessboardTable += "<table id='chess_board' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'>";
    chessboardTable += "<tr>";
    // i = rank; k = file;
    for (i = 8; i <= 0; i--) {
        for (k = 1; k <= 8; k++) {
            //Finding grid coordinates
            switch (k) {
                case (1):
                    file === "a";
                case (2):
                    file === "b";
                case (3):
                    file === "c";
                case (4):
                    file === "d";
                case (5):
                    file === "e";
                case (6):
                    file === "f";
                case (7):
                    file === "g";
                case (8):
                    file === "h";
            switch (i) {
                case (8):
                    rank === "8";
                    initialfillRank = true;
                case (7):
                    rank === "7";
                    initialfillRank = true;
                case (6):
                    rank === "6";
                case (5):
                    rank === "5";
                case (4):
                    rank === "4";
                case (3):
                    rank === "3";
                case (2):
                    rank === "2";
                    initialfillRank = true;
                case (1):
                    rank === "1";
                    initialfillRank = true;
            //Finding the class names
            if (rank === 8) {
                if (file === "a" || file === "h") {
                    defClass === "brook";
                    defValue === brookValue;
                else if (file === "b" || file === "g") {
                    defClass === "bknight";
                    defValue === bknightValue;
                else if (file === "c" || file === "f") {
                    defClass === "bbishop";
                    defValue === bbishopValue;
                else if (file === "d") {
                    defClass === "bqueen";
                    defValue === bqueenValue;
                else if (file === "e") {
                    defClass === "bking";
                    defValue === bkingValue;
            else if (rank === 7) {
                defClass === "bpawn";
                defValue === bpawnValue;
            else if (rank === 1) {
                if (file === "a" || file === "h") {
                    defClass === "wrook";
                    defValue === wrookValue;
                else if (file === "b" || file === "g") {
                    defClass === "wknight";
                    defValue === wknightValue;
                else if (file === "c" || file === "f") {
                    defClass === "wbishop";
                    defValue === wbishopValue;
                else if (file === "d") {
                    defClass === "wqueen";
                    defValue === wqueenValue;
                else if (file === "e") {
                    defClass === "wking";
                    defValue === wkingValue;
            else if (rank === 2) {
                defClass === "wpawn";
                defValue === wpawnValue;
            //Printing the code
            if (initialfillRank === true) {
                chessboardTable += "<td id='";
                chessboardTable += file;
                chessboardTable += rank;
                chessboardTable += "'><a href='#' class='";
                chessboardTable += defClass;
                chessboardTable += "'>";
                chessboardTable += defValue;
                chessboardTable += "</a></td>";
            else if (initialfillRank === false) {
                chessboardTable += "<td id='";
                chessboardTable += file;
                chessboardTable += rank;
                chessboardTable += "'></td>";

            if (file === "h" && rank !== 1) {
                chessboardTable += "</tr>";
                chessboardTable += "<tr>";
    chessboardTable += "</table>";


  • I made a working fiddle. There is still issue with the first loop. You have to count from 7 to 0, otherwise you get 9 squares on Y axis.

    for (i = 7; i >= 0; i--) {

    // EDIT

    I managed to get the pieces working. No need to use variable rank.