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rand() duplicates number in loop

I have made a simple book making program, I've been trying to use a loop in the MAIN function to assign random numbers to the variable "genNum" using rand() in the generateNumbers() function, then pass 'genNum' value to three local variables in the MAIN and then passed to a member function in my BOOKIE class. The first two times the function loops it generates random numbers just fine, but the third time it loops it generates the same number it generated for the second loop. I have looked through all the threads regarding rand() and none answered my question. Here is the code:

This is the MAIN function

int main()
    bool genNumber = false;

    int genCount = 0;
    double genNum;
    double genNum1; double genNum2; double genNum3;
    Bookie bookKeeper;

    bookKeeper.clientList(firstClient, secondClient, thirdClient);
    while(genNumber == false) {
    generateNumbers(genNum);//This is where the numbers are generated
    if(genCount == 1) {
        genNum1 = genNum;
    if(genCount == 2) {
        genNum2 = genNum;
    if(genCount == 3) {
        genNum3 = genNum;
        bookKeeper.clientStatus(genNum1, genNum2, genNum3);
        genNumber = true;

  return 0;

this is the function for generating the random numbers:

void generateNumbers(double & number) {
number = 1 + rand() % 500;

This is the member function that receives the random generated values:

void Bookie::clientStatus(double num1, double num2, double num3) {
clientAOwes = num1; clientBOwes = num2; clientCOwes = num3;
string answer;

    enum Status{PAID, LATE};
Status clientAStat;
Status clientBStat;
Status clientCStat;

bool cStatus = false;
while(cStatus == false){
    cout<<clientA <<" owes " <<clientAOwes <<".\n"
        <<"Has this client paid, (Y)es or (N)o?\n"
    getline(cin, answer);
    if(answer == "Y") {
        clientAStat = PAID;
        Astat = "PAID";
    if(answer == "N") {
        clientAStat = LATE;
        Astat = "LATE";

    //Client 2
    cout<<clientB <<" owes " <<clientBOwes <<".\n"
        <<"Has this client paid, (Y)es or (N)o?\n"
    getline(cin, answer);
    if(answer == "Y") {
        clientBStat = PAID;
        Bstat = "PAID";
    if(answer == "N") {
        clientBStat = LATE;
        Bstat = "LATE";

    //Client 3
    cout<<clientC <<" owes " <<clientBOwes <<".\n"
        <<"Has this client paid, (Y)es or (N)o?\n"
    getline(cin, answer);
    if(answer == "Y") {
        clientCStat = PAID;
        Cstat = "PAID";
    if(answer == "N") {
        clientCStat = LATE;
        Cstat = "LATE";
    cStatus = true;

cout<<fixed <<setprecision(2);
cout<<setw(4) <<"STATUS" <<setw(21) <<"CLIENT" <<'\n' <<endl;
cout<<setw(4) <<Astat <<setw(21) <<clientA <<'\n' <<endl;
cout<<setw(4) <<Bstat <<setw(21) <<clientB <<'\n' <<endl;
cout<<setw(4) <<Cstat <<setw(21) <<clientC <<'\n' <<endl;
cout<<'\n' <<endl;


  • Your code works fine, though I'd recommend std's new random generators!


    //Client 2
        cout<<clientB <<" owes " <<clientBOwes <<".\n"
    //Client 3
        cout<<clientC <<" owes " <<clientBOwes <<".\n"


    //Client 2
        cout<<clientB <<" owes " <<clientBOwes <<".\n"
    //Client 3
        cout<<clientC <<" owes " <<clientCOwes <<".\n"