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Where do i put the effect

Finally if found the right jquery script that i need.

But i want to change the effect, now it's coming from the top-left corner and i want to let it slide to the left.

This is the code:

    <script type="text/javascript">
    $(document).ready(function() { 
        //add the click event to each element with the toggle class 
            if ($(document).data("toggle-id")) {
                //item was already selected, hide it
                $("div.toggle#" + $(document).data("toggle-id")).hide(1000);
            //save the new id for later, then show it
            $(document).data("toggle-id", $(this).text().toLowerCase());
            $("div.toggle#" + $(document).data("toggle-id")).show(1000)


  • You need to modify this line

    $("div.toggle#" + $(document).data("toggle-id")).show(1000)

    And try something like

    $("div.toggle#" + $(document).data("toggle-id")).show('slide', {direction: 'left'}, 1000)