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How to add smooth transitions to a very simple javascript slideshow

I have the following JavaScript to make a slideshow:

window.addEventListener('load', main, false);

var number = 1;
var interval;

function main() {
    interval = setInterval(changeDia, 3000);

function changeDia() {
    var img = document.getElementById("dia");
    var currentDia = img.getAttribute("src");

    if(currentDia == "style/slideshow/6.jpg") {
        number = 1;
    } else {
        number = number + 1;
    img.setAttribute("src", "style/slideshow/" + number + ".jpg");

This code works fine, but the transitions are very rude. I would like to have the current image to fade out and the next one to fade in so there's a smooth transition. What is the easiest way? Javascript and jQuery are both good for me.

Thanks in advance,



  • You can do it easily using jQuery without plugins:

    var i = 0,               //initial index
        duration = 1000,     //animation duration
        interval = 3000;     //interval
    function switchImg() {
        $("<img>")                                               //create new <img>
            .attr("src", "style/slideshow/" + (i<6?++i:(i=1,i)) + ".jpg") //set attr.
            .css("opacity", 0)                                   //hide it
            .prependTo("#wrap")                                  //add it to DOM
            .animate({                                           //fade in
                opacity: 1
            }, {
                duration: duration
            .next()                                              //select current img
            .animate({                                           //fade out
                opacity: 0
            }, {
                duration: duration
            .done(function () {                                  //remove old img
                $(this).remove();                                // when done
                setTimeout(switchImg, interval);                 //repeat
    switchImg();                                                 //start up

    Don't forget to set the position porperty of the images to absolute or else it won't work.