I currently have a method which is as follows
void SomeMethod(int a)
//Delay for one sec.
//After one sec
This method is actually a slot that is attached to a signal. I would like to add a delay of one sec using Qtimer.However I am not sure on how to accomplish this. Since the timer triggers a signal when its finished and the signal would need to be attached to another method that does not take in any parameters. Any suggestion on how I could accomplish this task.?
Update : The signal will be called multiple times in a second and the delay will be for a second. My issue here is passing a parameter to the slot attached to timeout() signal of a timer. My last approach would be to store the value in a memeber variable of a class and then use a mutex to protect it from being changed while the variable is being used .however I am looking for simpler methods here.
I'm a bit confused by the way you phrase your question, but if you're asking how to get the timer's timeout() signal to call a function with a parameter, then you can create a separate slot to receive the timeout and then call the function you want. Something like this: -
class MyClass : public QObject
MyClass(QObject *parent);
public slots:
void TimerHandlerFunction();
void SomeMethod(int a);
int m_a;
QTimer m_timer;
Implementation: -
MyClass::MyClass(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent)
// Connect the timer's timeout to our TimerHandlerFunction()
connect(&m_timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(TimerHandlerFunction()));
void MyClass::SomeMethod(int a)
m_a = a; // Store the value to pass later
m_timer.setSingleShot(true); // If you only want it to fire once
void MyClass::TimerHandlerFunction()
Note that the QObject class actually has a timer that you can use by calling startTimer(), so you don't actually need to use a separate QTimer object here. It is included here to try to keep the example code close to the question.