This question is related to: Which API Microsoft Word (Office 2013) is using the paint the screen, which was left unanswered.
I have an Office plug-in (native C++) which is fairly involving with Office. Using hooks I'm modifying the client area of Office application.
Things were working great for me up to Office 2010, hooking WM_NCPAINT, and using GDI method on the Office Window.
But Office 2013 uses Direct2D, DXGI, and DirectWrite. On Windows 7, if I draw something on the screen - it gets erased the next time the cursor blink. On Windows 8 - I don't even have access to the screen.
Currently, my thinking is to hook ID2D1DeviceContext::BeginDraw
, ID2D1DeviceContext::EndDraw
- and on last function, just before delegating to the real function, I will add my stuff. Another idea is the hook IDXGISwapChain1::Present1
. Problem with both these methods that I've hard time identifying what is going on above.
I'm even thinking even a different process (or GDI based window - if possible) on top of the client area I want to decorate, with the majority of the real eastate being 100% transparent. Problem with this solution are issues like keyboard focus and mouse click.
Any tip or suggestion will be appreciated. Any tool (the Spy++ for DirectX) will be appreciated. Does DirectX (specifically Direct2D) has documented extensible or plug-able story, I'm not aware of and could use? Is there anything in Kernel Mode I'm missing?
Hm dont know exactly how that works on Direct Draw, but i hooked once the EndScene function for Direct3D and added some stuff to the scene before the real EndScene could be executed. I made a little video that shows that: