In .NET, using reflection how can I get class variables that are used in a method?
class A
UltraClass B = new(..);
SupaClass C = new(..);
void M1()
{; // it can be a method call
int a = C.a; // a variable access
Note: GetClassVariablesInMethod(M1 MethodInfo) returns B and C variables. By variables I mean Value and/or Type and Constructor Parameters of that specific variable.
There's a lot of different answers, but as not a single one appeals to me, here's mine. It's using my Reflection based IL reader.
Here's a method retrieving all the fields used by a method:
static IEnumerable<FieldInfo> GetUsedFields (MethodInfo method)
return (from instruction in method.GetInstructions ()
where instruction.OpCode.OperandType == OperandType.InlineField
select (FieldInfo) instruction.Operand).Distinct ();