I'm trying to use a C written DLL (FlyCapture API, from Point Grey Research Inc) in a C# code, but I always get a runtime error. Here I have two samples of code using the DLL: one is written in C++, and in the other I tried to do exactly the same thing in C# using an unsafe context.
C++ code:
void Callback(void* Param, int Message, unsigned long lParam)
cout << Message << "\t" << lParam << endl;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
void *context;
FlyCaptureCallback *callback = Callback;
flycaptureModifyCallback(context, callback, NULL, true);
flycaptureModifyCallback(context, callback, NULL, false);
return 0;
C# code:
static extern int flycaptureCreateContext(void** pContext);
static extern int flycaptureDestroyContext(void* context);
static extern int flycaptureModifyCallback(void* context, IntPtr pfnCallback, void* pParam, bool bAdd);
delegate void FlyCaptureCallback(void* Param, int Message, uint lParam);
static void Callback(void* Param, int Message, uint lParam)
Console.WriteLine(Message.ToString() + "\t" + lParam.ToString());
static void Main(string[] args)
void *context;
IntPtr callback = Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate((FlyCaptureCallback) Callback);
flycaptureModifyCallback(context, callback, null, true);
flycaptureModifyCallback(context, callback, null, false);
The purpose of this program is to register a callback function so that when an event occurs in a camera bus, this function is called. The program then waits for 5 seconds and removes the callback from the register. The C++ application works fine, if I remove the camera from the computer during those 5 seconds, a message appears in the console. The C# application, in other hand, only works fine when no event occurs, hence the callback function is not called. If I try to remove the camera from the computer, the Callback function is successfully called and the right numbers appear in the screen, but Windows displays a message saying that "vshost32-clr2.exe has stopped working" during the function flycaptureDestroyContext.
Any ideas? Thanks!
I've got it! The problem was that the functions of the API (flycaptureCreateContext, flycaptureModifyCallback and flycaptureDestroyContext) were declared in the C headers as __cdecl, but I haven't considered it in the DllImport statements. There follows corrected C# code:
[DllImport("pgrflycapture.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
static extern int flycaptureCreateContext(void** pContext);
[DllImport("pgrflycapture.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
static extern int flycaptureDestroyContext(void* context);
[DllImport("pgrflycapture.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
static extern int flycaptureModifyCallback(void* context, FlyCaptureCallback pfnCallback, void* pParam, bool bAdd);
delegate void FlyCaptureCallback(void* Param, int Message, uint lParam);
static void Callback(void* Param, int Message, uint lParam)
Console.WriteLine(Message.ToString() + "\t" + lParam.ToString());
static void Main(string[] args)
void *context;
FlyCaptureCallback callback = (FlyCaptureCallback) Callback;
flycaptureModifyCallback(context, callback, null, true);
flycaptureModifyCallback(context, callback, null, false);
Thanks lnmx and Jim Mischel for your valuable help!