Is there a user guide or standard practices which helps to deploy Jenkins under openEmbedded environment?
I could get the jenkins service running, it clones the repo from mercurial SCM on the buildserver using SSH credentials. The buildserver is a remote machine and till date we used to trigger manual builds using "buildmaster" account on Linux distro(Fedora core 16). Under buildmaster, we used to modify the bitbake recipes and execute bitbake commands to build the target image(standard ipk-image).
Specifically, I'm trying to figure out the right approach in making the openEmbedded environment visible to jenkins.
My plan is to
1) Create set of OE directories under jenkins-home(/var/log/jenkins) which symbolically points to buildmaster bitbake directory structure.
2) Set the environment variables in user jenkins.
3) provide user "jenkins" all privileges to execute the scripts located in the "buildmaster" account.
Am I thinking in the right direction? Also, pls advise on any suitable jenkins-plugin(if any) which might help in setting up Jenkins while handling the above described complexity.
We've extensively used yocto (based on OE) and jenkins. It works beautifully together with very little in the way of setup or problems.
We use the 'gerrit repo' tool to stitch together our git repositories, check them out, then run bitbake to build our recipes. It's all very straightforward to do.