I have a directory on the server - var/www/html/content - and I would to give everything inside this directory, recursively, 755 permissions (or maybe 757, that's not really important at this point) at exactly 9:30am every day.
I thought the best way to do this would be to create a .php file that contains something like;
$ chmod -R 757 var/www/html/content/
I'm guessing I'd need an su command in there to switch to root as well???
Then all I would need to do is set up a cron job through the command line. Something like;
30 09 * * * /var/www/html/run-job.php
Is this about right? Is there a better way to do this kind of task? I've never done anything like this before...
I've been asked to add some more context...
Basically, the "content" directory essentially holds a library of PDF, Excel and HTML files. Different PDFs on different topics going out routinely, about once a week, but they have to be released at 9:30am on a specific day.
If i set this cron job up correctly then I can upload the files the day before (sometime in the afternoon) and I don't have to worry about being in at 9:30 the next day to do it manually.
All I would need to do is move the files over, change the permissions to 000 (or something so the public or apache can't view it) and then at 9:30 on the day my script can make all of it visible for me whilst I'm at home sleeping.
Make sense?
You can run commands directly from cron, so you can achieve it, by putting to cron:
30 09 * * * /bin/chmod -R 757 /var/www/html/content/
You can edit cron jobs for current user, by entering:
crontab -e
You can see list of cron jobs for current user, by entering:
crontab -l