It seems that equal
can not compare hash table properly. Here is an exmaple
(defun hash-alist (alist)
"Convert association list to a hash table and return it."
(let ((my-hash (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
(dolist (entry alist)
(puthash (car entry) (cdr entry) my-hash))
(setq a '((?a . 1) (?b . 2)))
(setq b (hash-alist a))
(setq c (hash-alist a))
(equal b c)
The last line of code returns nil
. Is there any other function to compare two hash tables?
since there is no function builtin Emacs to do this. I wrote it just in case people be interested:
(defun hash-equal (hash1 hash2)
"Compare two hash tables to see whether they are equal."
(and (= (hash-table-count hash1)
(hash-table-count hash2))
(catch 'flag (maphash (lambda (x y)
(or (equal (gethash x hash2) y)
(throw 'flag nil)))
(throw 'flag t))))