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How to cut/copy/paste text to JTextField when some JComponent is clicked?

I'm creating custom popup menu, using just extended JComponent as a menu items and extended JWindow to hold them. My question is - how to send signal from JComponent instance when it's clicked (has MouseListener) to JTextField to perform cut/copy/paste actions?


I will try to explain more precisely.

JTextField class (simplified):

public class TextInputField extends JTextField implements FocusListener {

        private MenuPopupWindow popUp;

        public TextInputField() {

           popUp = new MenuPopupWindow();//MenuPopupWindow class extends JWindow

           MenuItem paste = new MenuItem("Paste", 
                                         new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("/images/paste_icon.png")),
                                         "Ctrl+V");//MenuItem class extends JComponent, has implemented MouseListener - and when mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) occurs, somehow action signal have to be sent to this class
            MenuItem copy = ....
            MenuItem cut = ....

            Action pasteAction = getActionMap().get(DefaultEditorKit.pasteAction);
            paste.setAction(pasteAction);//How to make it to work?



How to do it right?


  • In light of your posted code, I think all you need to do in your TextInputField class, is add:


    then in your MenuItem class you have to put in code to call those action listeners.

    public class MenuItem implements MouseListener
        @Override public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent event)
            ActionListener[] listeners = (ActionListener[])
            for(int i = 0; i < listeners.length; i++)
                    new ActionEvent(MenuItem.this,someID, someCMDName)

    In your class that extends JComponent (I'll call it class 'A') you will need to get a reference to your JTextField. A simple way to do this is to add a private instance variable of type JTextField to class A, and pass in the JTextField through the constructor.

    so your class should look something like this:

    public class A extends JComponent implements ActionListener
        private JTextField updateField;
        public A(JTextField updateField[,<your other contructor arguments>...])
            this.updateField = updateField;
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
                //copy, paste or do whatever with the JTextField
                //by way of this.updateField;
                //e.g. this.updateField.setText(...);
                //or to simply pass the event along to the JTextField's handlers

    then you just have to remember to pass the jtextField into the constructor when you create your component