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Use of ActionBarSherlock and ViewPagerIndicator with my style

I've followed those instructions and I've created MyStyle with Android Action Bar Style Generator, but my style is not working, I can't see my colors.

I have a styles_mystyle.xmlwith

<style name="Theme.Mystyle" parent="@style/Theme.Sherlock.Light">

and in AndroidManifest.xml

    android:theme="@style/Theme.Mystyle" >

So I don't know where is the problem. Can you help me? My code is exactly the same as the one in previous links.


  • The style generator creates a theme for ActionBar tabs. The ViewPager looks similar but requires a different set of defined styles. You can find examples for the ViewPagerIndicator styles here:

    Alternatively, you can use the styles created from the style generator by using ActionBar tabs instead of the ViewPagerIndicator.

    VERY Basic actionbarsherlock tabs with fragments: FragmentTransaction is null in the onTabSelected() method

    More information on tabs vs title strips can be found here: