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Getting distinct results for one property with Grails criteria

From a domain class instance in the database I want to get the last 20 updated records but distinct to a certain property, which in my case is color. I've tried 3 different approaches but none seem to work the way I expected.

First approach:

def corridors = TerminKorridor.findAll([max:20, sort:'lastUpdated', order:"desc"]).color.unique();

works but doesn't return 20 entries

Second approach:

 def corridors = corridorsCriteria.list{
            order("lastUpdated", "desc")

doesn't remove entries with same colors. Distinct doesn't work

Third approach:

def corridors = TerminKorridor.executeQuery("Select distinct a.color from TerminKorridor a order by a.lastUpdated desc",[max:20])

doesn't remove entries with same colors, distinct doesn't work.


  • So I think there is a problem with your logic somewhere here.

    The goal is to get a list of 20 distinct colors ordered by lastUpdated.

    You cant order by lastUpdated if you want a distinct list. It doesn't make sense. If you have 3 items with the same color, which lastUpdated would you use to do the ordering?

    You have to choose if you are getting the last 20 records and then a distinct list of colors, which would almost certainly result in less than 20 records


    You get a list of 20 distinct colors

    You could do this with some code though.

    LinkedHashSet<Color> colors = new LinkedHashSet()
    try {
        TerminKorridor.findAll([sort:'lastUpdated', order:"desc"]).each {
            if (colors.size() < 20) {
            } else {
                throw new GetOutOfHereException()
    } catch(GetOutOfHereException e) {

    You could make this better by using HQL to only load the colors instead of the entire objects

    TerminKorridor.executeQuery("select t.color from TerminKorridor t order by t.lastUpdated desc").each { ... }