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Creating Javascript objects automatically and storing it inside another object

So I'm wanting to create a javascript function that is able to generate names and then set it as an variable to then create an object with. In the code below I thought up an example of entering a form though I am only showing my Javascript. Pretend the user already entered data once to create the object coffee. READ COMMENTS

function object(a,b){
    this.validate = 1 = a
    this.two = b
    if(z == "undefined"){
        var z = 0;
        z = z++;

   Need a function that is able to generate generate names and set them as a variable
   This case for example the name of the object I'm trying to generate is coffee3
function gen(x){
    if(coffee.validate != "undefined"){
        for(x, x < (x++), x++){
            var y = x.toString();
            y = "coffee" + y;

               Turning the string value stored in y currently, say coffee3 for example,
               into a variable named coffee3 and gets new object("caramel", "milk")

               Also a code to store an object inside the sessionStorage object.


               to check storage first of course

        var coffee = new object("stuff", "input");

Of course I'm not using this example exactly. I used it for clarity, my real usage for such a function will be for basic client side storage output for loading a CAS on my sever scripts that returns more client side script and loads a custom S(CC)AI-S/API on ones browser.


  • This is actually one of the best aspects of JavaScript.

    Let's say you keep all those user-generated objects into a generic list, for example:

    objList = {}; = new object("stuff", "input");

    Interestingly, now you can read coffee in two ways: by using and by using objList['coffee']. The same is true for writing; so we can rewrite the example as:

    objList = {};
    objList['coffee'] = new object("stuff", "input");

    And voilà! You are now basically using strings to identify variables. Well, sort of - they're not variables anymore, they're properties on a JS object. But still.