I'm trying to write a NAnt extension task that can update different settings within a Visual Studio 2003 generated Setup .vdproj file, and would appreciate help with the following.
Specifically, I would like to use a RegEx expression to find, and if found, replace any value string value assigned to the ProductName value with a new string value in its entirty.
I am looking for a RegEx expression set to change "ProductName" to any other value without having to rely on anything other than that the string sought begins with "ProductName" = "8": and then has 1 or more characters and ends with a " mark. I've tried the following to no avail:
Before executing the following code fragment, the .vdproj file's ProductName reads:
"ProductName" = "8:My Simple .NET Application"
... and the code fragment in C#:
string _theProductName = "My Other Native Application";
Regex productNameExpression = new Regex( @"(?:\""ProductName\"" = \""8:*)" );
_theProjectFileContents =
"\"ProductName\" = \"8:" + _theProductName + "\"" );
bool updatedProductName =
(_theProjectFileContents.IndexOf(_theProductName) >= 0);
After executing the above code fragment, the .vdproj file's ProductName now reads:
"ProductName" = "8:My Simple .NET Application"My Other Native Application"
Close, but I was expecting "My Other Native Application" to replace "My Simple .NET Application", and not add to it.
Any insights and help would be greatly appreciated.
You're very nearly there - only missing a single .
Change your regex thus and happiness should follow...
Regex productNameExpression = new Regex(@"(?:\""ProductName\"" = \""8:.*)");
Note the . after the 8: