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How can I bind selectedItems in kendoGrid?

I'm using Rniemeyer's kncokout-kendo.js

I've 'People' and I need to get selected Person.

<div id="grid" style="width:450px" data-bind="kendoGrid: {height:400,columns:['Id','Name'],navigatable:true,selectable:true,rowTemplate: 'rowTmpl', useKOTemplates: true,data: People, select: SelectedPerson,value:SelectedPerson }" ></div>

neither 'select' nor 'value' works.

People is observableArray

The example does not work both SelectedPerson is observable, SelectedPerson is observableArray.


  • I'm not familiar with Kendo, but judging from this existing fiddle I think you need to use the change option as part of your grid configuration:

    kendoGrid: { change: function (event) {

    See this fiddle which contains the code from the question (with a few options commented out because no View code was posted in the question).