I have a CCparallaxNodeExtras that scrolls infinite (following the space game tutorial). I added as a child a CCSprite made of other CCSprite, like this:
_backgroundNode = CCParallaxNodeExtras::node();
float acum = 0.0;
back1 = CCSprite::create();
for(int i = 0; i < num_repeats; ++i) {
CCSprite *back = CCSprite::createWithSpriteFrameName("rock.png");
back->setPosition(ccp(acum, 0));
acum+= back->getContentSize().width+150.0;
_backgroundNode->addChild(back1, 1 , ccp(0.1,0.1), ccp(0, winSize.height * 0.64));
now in my update I have this:
CCPoint backgroundScrollVert = ccp(-1024, 0);
_backgroundNode->setPosition(ccpAdd(_backgroundNode->getPosition(), ccpMult(backgroundScrollVert, dt)));
perfect, the background moves and disappears (that is what I want for now) but I need to get the collision between the sprites on that background and a fixed sprite as a child of the main node.
The problem is that whenever I try to get the collision by the simple way (intersecting the bounding boxes) it doesn't work, so I tried to just get the position of the sprites and all I get is the position fixed in the CCSprite (back1) composed by the sprites (back).
Now, is there a possible way to get the position of any individual sprite located in that parallax node? If i try something like:
CCSprite *tempsprite = (CCSprite*)_backgroundNode->getChildren()->objectAtIndex(0);
printf("%f\n", tempsprite->getChildren()->objectAtIndex(0)->getPositionX());
it prints always the same value, it is like the position is not being affected by the transformation of the parent in the background node... so, how do I get it correctly? how do I get the position relative to screen and not to the parent?
Use convertToWorldSpace function to get position in parent. If your nodes are nested then you need to query one by one.
CGPoint pos1 = [back1 convertToWorldSpace: back.position];
CGPoint pos2 = [_backgroundNode convertToWorldSpace: pos1];