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Error with GlassFish 4 and Eclipse Juno JavaEE

I downloaded Eclipse Juno a while ago but until now used its Java SE perspective only.

Today I downloaded GlassFish 4 for Windows and installed it. During installation I got a screen that showed that installation process didn't find Java JDK but allowed to browse for it. I found C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_17 directory and selected it. i finished the installation and was able to start and stop domain and see both application and admin pages.

I also wanted to install GlassFish plug-in for Eclipse. I found it through Marketplace and downloaded and installed it.

I switched Eclipse's perspective to JavaEE and tried to pick GlassFish as a server. Such option was indeed there. However, I then got a screen titled New GlassFish 4.0 Runtime with the following error:

Glassfish server runtime requires full JDK instead of JRE

The only enabled buttons are Back and Cancel.

I Googled around but didn't find anything useful for such case.

Can somebody guess what could have happened and suggest troubleshooting steps?


  • On the screen where you define GlassFish runtime, there is a link labeled "Installed JRE preferences". If you click on that you will be directed to a screen that shows you all JRE and JDK installations that Eclipse knows about. You will need to add an entry for your JDK install. Then, when you return to the GF screen, select that new entry in the JRE drop-down list.