I need to get existing web pages into an existing ASP.NET web site project in Visual Studio 2008. I simply tried to drag and drop the whole file folder content into the Visual Studio Solution Explorer or even to copy them into the web site folder.
Both ways, Visual Studio seems unable to map the .designer.cs files to the corresponding .aspx (or .master) file, even after restarting the whole IDE. The Solution Explorer entry looks in a way like this:
- Main.aspx
Can I make Visual Studio file the designer-file below the aspx-file in any way? I strongly hope there is a simpler way than manually creating each file and copying and pasting the contents into each file by hand.
It sounds like you are trying to bring web application files into a web site. IIf that is the case, The designer files are not even needed. Just dont include them. They are generated and compiled in at runtime when the website runs.