I am trying to define a common interface to a set of functions and classes that will have multiple different backend implementations (Using different libraries).
As such I'd really rather, simply, define a function in one place and not in each separate namespace.
For example, I have a global function:
extern void Func();
Now I want to have 3 separate implementations of that function. One would be a straight C, One would be a hand coded assembler and one would be using library 'x'.
I am effectively trying to avoid doing the following:
namespace C
extern void Func();
namespace Asm
extern void Func();
namespace LibX
extern void Func();
Is there a good pattern to avoid doing this? When there are 100 odd functions it will become much more of a pain.
The only idea I can think of is to move all the definitions into a header file that has no header guards and then doing:
namespace C
#include "Functions.h"
namespace Asm
#include "Functions.h"
namespace LibX
#include "Functions.h"
Is there a better way of doing this that anyone can think of?
Make it a virtual function in an abstract base class. Implement it whenever you feel like it in a derived class.
class Foo{
virtual void bar() const=0;
class FooASM:public Foo{
virtual void bar() const{ ... }