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How to set up emacs for clojure, evil, hinting, paren highlighting?

I'm brand-new to both Emacs and Clojure and would like to set up hinting and syntax highlighting somehow similar to the video here. I have installed:

  • Emacs 24.x
  • Leiningen 2.x
  • Marmalade

...Then within Emacs and via Marmalade, installed the following packages:

  • Evil
  • clojure-mode
  • nrepl

My big-idea question is how do these major/minor modes interact and is there a "right" way to set these things up?
My smaller-idea question is how do I get the pretty syntax highlighting and code-hinting? Thanks!


  • Check out Emacs Live, its a full emacs configuration created by Sam Aaron. He codes allot of Clojure so this "battery included" setup works great for Clojure coding.

    Once you have cloned this and follow the instructions you are up and running with Clojure, nrepl, git and much more.