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Why qtip2 plugin isn't working with HTML?

I'm trying to do a html tooltip with qtip2. But, following the simple example in the site i just adjusted with my class. But, I don't know why this is not working. If I change .formreprovar' to .tooltiptext it works normally. Thanks



            position: {
            my: 'bottom center',
             at: 'top center'
             style: {
                classes: 'qtip-light'
             content: {
             button: 'close',
             text: $(this).nextAll('.formreprovar').first()
            hide: {
                fixed: true,
                event: false
            show: {
                event: 'click'


<input type="button" value="Reprovar" class="btn btn-danger reprovar">
<div class="formreprovar">
<input type="text" />


body {
    padding: 50px;
.tooltiptext {
    display: none;
.formreprovar {
    display: none;


  • Try this


    next gets the immediately following sibling of the selector. If it is not found then it is just an empty jQuery object

    .next('.tootiptext') works as it is the immediate sibling whereas .formreprovar is not

    Also don't forget the .text() part after the selector.

    Check Fiddle


    Looks like the problem is the this context inside the text method.

    Wrap that inside a function so that the context points to the element in question.

    content: {
          button: 'close',
          text: function() {
              return $(this).nextAll('.formreprovar').first()

    Working Fiddle