Suppose we have an already existing file, say <File>
. This file has been opened by a C program for update (r+b
). We use fseek
to navigate to a point inside <File>
, other than the end of it. Now we start writing data using fwrite/fputc
. Note that we don't delete any data previously existing in <File>
How does the system handle those writes? Does it rewrite the whole file to another position in the Disk, now containing the new data? Does it fragment the file and write only the new data in another position (and just remember that in the middle there is some free space)? Does it actually overwrite in place only the part that has changed?
There is a good reason for asking: In the first case, if you continuously update a file, the system can get slow. In the second case, it could be faster but will mess up the File System if done to many files. In the third case, especially if you have a solid state Disk, updating the same spot of a File over and over again may render that part of the Disk useless.
Actually, that's where my question originates from. I've read that, to save Disk Sectors from overuse, Solid State Disks move Data to less used sectors, using different techniques. But how exactly does the stdio
functions handle such situations?
Thanks in advance for your time! :D
The fileystem handler creates a kind of dicationary writing to sectors on the disc, so when you update the content of the file, the filesystem looks up the dictionary on the disc, which tells it, in which sector on the disc the file data is located. Then it spins (or waits until the disc arrives there) and updates the appropriate sectors on the disc.
That's the short version.
So in case, of updating the file, the file is normally not moved to a new place. When you write new data to the file, appending to it, and the data doesn't fit into the existing sector, then additional sectors are allocated and the data is written there.
If you delete a file, then usually the sectors are marked as free and are reused. So only if you open a new file and rewrite it, it can happen that the file is put in different sectors than before.
But the details can vary, depending on the hardware. AFAIK if you overwrite data on a CD, then the data is newly written (as long as the session is not finalized), because you can not update data on a CD, once it is written.