directive('dossierList', function () {
return {
template:'<div class="Dossier-details" data-ng-repeat="d in model.dossier | filter:{status:"POI"}">'+
'<strong>'+'Dossier ID'+'</strong>:'+
'<small>'+'{{ d.title }}'+'</small>'+
I want to filter the array using status ,i used filter:{status:"POI"}
,but it throwing error
My json
"id": "1",
"status": "POI",
"title": "West Nile virus - US",
"dossierId": "000455"
"id": "2",
"status": "I",
"title": "influenza",
"dossierId": "000455"
"id": "4",
"status": "P",
"title": "corona virus",
"dossierId": "000455"
it will be easier here than in the comments, but your issue is just linked to an escaping problem
you can see your directive here, working :
the issue :
data-ng-repeat="d in model.dossier | filter:{status:"POI"}"
ou can see that you used " everywhere which was understood by you browser as
data-ng-repeat="d in model.dossier | filter:{status:" +another attribute ignored
so you had an error, the only thing I did was using escaped '
data-ng-repeat="d in data | filter:{status:\'POI\'}"
and it seems to work =)
Have fun