Both FindNoCase and Find funcions are returning 0 values for all cases. I'm working on Coldfusion 9.
<cfoutput>#Find("aaInternationalbb", "International")#</cfoutput> ->o/p:0
<cfoutput>#Find("aalbb", "International")#</cfoutput> ->o/p:0
<cfoutput>#FindNoCase("aaInternationalbb", "International")#</cfoutput> ->o/p:0
<cfoutput>#FindNoCase("aalbb", "International")#</cfoutput> ->o/p:0
Please let me know how to make this work. Thanks in advance
This is not working because you have given the parameters in wrong order. The syntax for each of find()
and findNoCase()
FindNoCase(substring, string [, start ])
Find(substring, string [, start ])
So you have to try like:
<cfoutput>#Find( "International","aaInternationalbb")#</cfoutput>
<cfoutput>#Find( "International","aalbb")#</cfoutput>
<cfoutput>#FindNoCase("International","aaInternationalbb" )#</cfoutput>
This will give output as: 3 0 3 0