I'm trying to convert Ant task to Maven's antrun plugin task.
The Ant task is like that:
<aidl executable="${aidl}"
<source path="${source.absolute.dir}"/>
This code is from android sdk build.xml file.
Any idea how it should be like in Maven antrun plugin?
I'm posting the way I did it for now, in case someone is looking for the same solution.
Note that the code is not clean and not portable.
<target name="convert-aidl-files">
<property name="aidl" location="${env.ANDROID_HOME}/build-tools/android-4.2.2/aidl${exe}"/>
<property name="framework.aidl" location="${env.ANDROID_HOME}/platforms/android-17/framework.aidl"/>
<apply executable="${aidl}" parallel="false">
<arg value="-I${src.dir}"/>
<arg value="-p${framework.aidl}"/>
<arg value="-o${gen.dir}"/>
<fileset dir="${src.dir}">
<include name="**\*.aidl"/>
is maven plugin to execute ant tasks.aidl
is pointing to the aidl.exe from Android SDK build-tools. This part of the script is using hard-coded values. The better way will be to discover the location dynamically, but unfortunately I've not found the way to do it yet.framework.aidl
is pointing to the framework.aidl file from Android SDK. This part of the script is using hard-coded values. The better way will be to discover the location dynamically, but unfortunately I've not found the way to do it yet.apply
ant task is used to execute the aidl.exe with fileset
as input argument.srcfile
is used to mention the input files for the apply
task. The srcfile
is empty, but I've used the fileset
below to filter only the files with *.aidl extension.