I'm trying to change the text property from a label dynamically. I get the new value from a .resx file, this new value contains the characters Nº, but it doesn't display correctly, instead Nº it displays Nº. I tried some advises that I found here on the stackoverflow, like Resource file variable giving string ASCII code issues in js alert box
I also tried to use javascript encode/decode functions, but none of them worked. I'm spending a lot of time trying to fix it. Please, any help?
Its a MVC3 application. My code:
novoLabel = "@Label.LblPares";
@Label.LblPares value is Nº de Pares and its displays to the user the value Nº de Pares
Try chaning text() to html():
JSFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/AWzSc/