My code is like this:
my_array.each do |element|
within element do #it will take me to next page #it will take me to previous page for next iteration
In siteprism page it is like this:
elements :array, 'ul.class li'
When I run, its executing successfully for the first iteration, but in second iteration its throwing error like cache element not available
If I navigate to different pages then i loose the scope of my_array
Can anyone help me with this...??
If I navigate to different pages then i loose the scope of array elements??
Yes, the scope has changed.
The reason it fails is because the elements that are on the page when the loop first runs are not present on the second page even though it may look like they are - they are different elements. Because you have moved page you need to get the elements again from scratch.
On how to make it work...
There seem to be a number of issues with the code in the question. The first is that the fact you are
using a within
block in the context of an element instead of a section. The first thing I'd do (not
being able to see your code) is to replace your elements
with sections
, and I'd model whatever the
is as a section. Eg:
class MySection < SitePrism::Section
element :some_element, "#some-element"
element :some_other_element, "#some_other_element"
Then I'd add model the li
elements of the ul
as a collection of sections in a page, eg:
class MyPage < SitePrism::Page
sections :list_items, MySection, 'ul.class li'
To get around the scoping issue, I'd have something like the following:
@my_page =
number_of_list_items = @my_page.list_items.size
number_of_list_items.times do |list_item_position|[list_item_position][list_item_position]