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Conversion of below criteria into HQL

I have the following criteria please advise how can I convert the below criteria into HQL , as I want to use HQL

public List<tttBook> findtooks() {

            List<tttBook> tooks =null;
            Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(tttBook.class);
            ProjectionList proList = Projections.projectionList();
            tooks = criteria.list();
            return tooks;


also please let me know in this above criteria what is wrong since right now it is fetching all the attributes of the object and it takes lots of time i think there is something wrong with my projections implementation.


  • You can create another constructor in your object tttBook. Also you should follow naming convention and call class starting with capital letter and properties with small letter.

    package yourpath;
    public class TttBook {
       private Long id;
       private String longName;
       public TttBook(Long id, String longName) {
 = id;
          this.longName = longName;
       // getters, setters


    List<TttBook > list = (List<TttBook >) session.createQuery("select 
       new yourpath.TttBook(id, longName) from TttBook").list();